Came za3

DESCRIPTION OF CONTROL BOARD. The ZAelectric board is suitable for controlling the automation of ATI, FERNI,. KRONO, FAST and FROG series 230V swing gates with up to 600W power and. The board is inserted and fixed to the.

Indien de inhoud van dit document met de handleiding overeenstemt, met de gebruiksaanwijzing, met de instructielijst, de installatielijst, of gebruikerslijst, met de handboek, met de montageschema of met de gids die u zoekt, aarzel niet die te teleladen. YYY laat u toe gemakkelijk toegang te hebben tot de informaties over .

Manual Contents – came zamanual came zainstructions came zacontrol board manual. CAME ZAControl Panel Manual. Handleiding ZA- Handleiding ZBK . Hello, trying to connect Came DOC E photocells to Came zapanel but no success with it, would be grateful if someone would have a detailed plan of it , position of dip switches etc.

Carte électronique livrée avec notice et garantie de ans. Sans boitier et sans transformateur. FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases.

We also supply, repair, maintain and install door . This product is engineered and manufactured by CAME.

Guaranteed months if not tampered with. The control panel works on 230V a. PLUS STUURPRINT MET ZELFPROGRAMMERING RADIOCODE. Login of vraag een account aan. Descrizione scheda comando. La scheda elettrica ZAè adatta al comando di automazioni per cancelli a battente della serie ATI, FERNI e. FROG, alimentati a 230V con potenza fino a 600W, frequenza 50÷Hz.

De stuurkast heeft een stroomvoeding van 230V A. De bedieningen en de accessoires werken op 24V. Free delivery and returns on all eligible orders. Shop with confidence on eBay! Came art card ZAengine swing Ati, Frog, ferni. Spedizione Gratuita disponibile per membri Prime su oltre un milione di prodotti.

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I prezzi più bassi per contenitore stagno per came za3.


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